I'll go ahead and admit it- I am a full-blown, bona-fide Gleek. I love everything about Glee- the storylines, the music, the acting...occasionally the lack thereof. And seeing as how I haven't been dating lately (
blah blah blah grad school
blah blah blah work
blah blah blah I'd really just rather stay home), I have had a lot of time to watch (and reflect upon) Glee.
Nota Bene: If you've never seen Glee, or if you don't like it, you'll probably want to skip this post. I'll try my hardest to snag myself an interesting date for your reading pleasure real soon...
Particularly the appearance of not one, but TWO adult female virgins! When Emma Pillsbury (played by Jayma Mays) admitted to being a virgin last season, I immediately began scouring the internet for opinions. What did people think? Were they shocked? Angry? Disgusted? Did they even care?
Apparently, not really. I have not been able to find a single comment, negative or positive, on this development, on the ENTIRE INTERNET!
Ok, on the first page of a Google search of "emma pillsbury virgin". Same diff.
But I was shocked. Sure, this woman has some serious issues, but she's sweet and gorgeous and thin- I would have thought at least ONE man would have had sex with her in spite of her issues.
But not a one. Not even sweet Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison). And no one on the internet finds this mentionable. It's as if this is totally and completely expected...
In which case I am SOOO totally screwed. I may as well be Coach Beiste (Dot-Marie Jones), McKinley High School's startlingly masculine football coach, whose physical appearance is supposedly so abhorrent as to be able to calm the raging sex hormones of the school's teenagers. She admitted two episodes ago that she has never been kissed, and was subsequently granted a tender peck by (apparent virgin magnet) Mr. Schuester.
What does the Internet have to say about this? They mostly feel bad for Coach Beiste because her first kiss was a "pity kiss". Which, I admit, was pretty much my feeling, too.
However, a few folks have chimed in that the kiss in question might not have been a pity kiss at all. It could have been a friendly, platonic kiss. There might have even been some romantic intention...
To which I say bullshit. First of all, a platonic kiss on the lips? Call me old fashioned, but I don't go around kissing my platonic male friends on the lips. And romantic intention? The man wouldn't even mess with the hot virgin!!!
But you know what? The fact that he's been messing with virgins at all is good enough for me. Because even though popular media is portraying adult victims of unintentional virginity as neurotic and/or unattractive, the fact that they are being portrayed at all gives me a solid case of the warm fuzzies.
And isn't that what television is supposed to do?